Should front tyre pressure be higher than the rear?

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One of the most important components of a vehicle is the tire. It is what keeps the car connected to the road and allows it to perform as desired, whether that means moving efficiently or winning races.  Tyres come in many varieties, but they all consist of a rubber tube with metal wires (usually steel-made) woven throughout. Rubber is an elastic material that gives way to pressure and then returns to its original shape; this property makes tyres flexible enough to stretch around rims and return into place once brakes are applied – thus providing grip for accelerating and braking for example. 

Tire grip determines how well your car can stop or accelerate, so it’s clear that correct tyre pressures are vital. Tyre pressures also affect fuel economy, stability when cornering and tyre wear.

Today we will look at the widely debated question: “should front tyres be higher than rear?”.

Higher pressure in the front tyres as compared to the rear tyres

If the front wheels are located closer to the car’s steering axis, they must bear more of the vehicle’s weight. This is compounded by the fact that front tyres carry more than their fair share of the load during braking as well as cornering due to weight transfer.

When tyre pressures are lower at the front than at the rear, you have a greater chance of losing control. Understeer or ‘ploughing’ can occur when you brake hard, so your front tyres slide and fail to grip – sending you straight off track instead of stopping. Too low pressures will also cause understeer during fast cornering – the car doesn’t turn enough causing it to run wide into oncoming traffic or crash into barriers.


When tyre pressures are equal, they evenly share the load and distribute it around the tyre. You have a greater balance of grip throughout all phases of driving. This means you can brake, turn and accelerate as desired without worry you will skid or lose control. In addition to this, too high pressures at one end cause an ‘uneven’ distribution – putting your car out of sorts due to bumpy roads or poor installation.

It’s best to start by checking tyre pressure with a track-style gauge that holds the nozzle firmly against the valve stem. Most modern cars will give you an indicator light if your tyre pressure is low; otherwise, it’s just a matter of using trial and error. Above all, don’t overinflate – your tyres won’t last long if you do.

So to answer the question put forth in this article’s introduction: “should front tyre pressure be higher than rear in India?”. We can say that it certainly should be. You get a better grip and more stability which means greater safety, control and balance. It is clear that lower tyre pressures lead to worse performance (steering, turning, braking etc.).

Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, but as a general light for owners of most vehicles today – take heed of these guidelines. The safety of yourself and passengers is nothing to play around with…and neither is the integrity of your tyres!

How to check the tyre pressure of the car?

To check the tyre pressure of your car, follow the given steps:

1) Park your car on a level surface and apply the parking brake.

2) Open the driver’s door and locate the tyre pressure label. It is usually located on the door pillar or inside of it – near or attached to the fuel flap release lever. You should find a clear indicator showing you which side is for front tyres and which one is for rear tyres.

3) Remove valve caps from all four tyres, then take out your tyre pressure gauge. Ensure that the arrow on top of it points towards zero before pushing the nozzle firmly onto each valve stem in turn.

4) Read off pressure given by tyre pressure gauge, matching to those shown on your tyre pressure label. Any difference between them means you should add or release air in your tyres to equalize air pressures.

5) If tyre pressure is too high, turn the valve key counter-clockwise until it clicks and tire pressure decreases; if tyre pressure is too low, turn the valve key clockwise until it clicks and tire pressure increases. There’s no need to move in one direction after another: just an extra click on either side should do – unless your car indicates otherwise by beeping or something similar.

6) Replace your tyre caps firmly back onto each valve stem once done with adjustments, then ensure you have removed the track gauge from all valves so as not to damage them. That’s it! Now get back on the road and enjoy safe driving.

Also, it is suggested to buy the best quality tyre pressure gauge from a trusted online store such as Carorbis where you can get high-quality car accessories, detailing products, maintenance and repair products at the most accessible prices. Carorbis delivers your required products to every part of the country and offers a platform for consumers to buy the product directly from the seller.  Now check the pressure of your vehicle’s tyre and keep a tyre pressure gauge handy.

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