Home Automotive Who Takes Responsibility For Truck Accident Cases in Atlanta?

Who Takes Responsibility For Truck Accident Cases in Atlanta?

truck accident lawyer

Big truck accidents and collisions are always risky. You would be surprised to know that large vehicle accidents can cause severe injuries or wrongful deaths. Obviously, questions will be asked—who is responsible for the wreck? That’s when you need a truck accident lawyer in Atlanta to solve the case and fix accountability. 

All accident cases are different and will have different circumstantial evidence. Moreover, tracking eyewitnesses and investigating CCTV footage is equally cumbersome. That’s why an experienced truck accident attorney can work with the legal enforcement agency to help victims.  

If you or someone you know has been badly injured because of a large-vehicle collision, you need to appoint a lawyer. Interestingly, many large vehicle accidents could have been easily averted had the driver taken the right step on time. 

Causes of Large-Vehicle Collisions 

  • Inattentive driving with a lack of focus and concentration
  • Continuous driving without any break
  • Sleep deprivation 
  • Using a smartphone while driving
  • Overdependence on Google maps
  • Road rage
  • Aggressive driving not adhering to traffic rules
  • DUI (Driving Under the Influence) cases
  • Falling asleep while driving

It is the lawyer’s task to find out who was accountable for the wreck. If it was the truck driver’s reckless driving that led to the accident, you must take action immediately.  

What Should A Victim Do After An Accident?

  • The victim must gather as much evidence and contact details of eyewitnesses who were present at the spot as possible. 
  • Visit your nearest hospital and tell them about what happened. If required, go for necessary medical diagnosis and blood tests as per the doctor’s advice.
  • Whether your injury is severe or small collect all medical bills and hospitalization documents.
  • Call 911 and ask for help. 
  • Take pictures of the driver and vehicle from all possible angles. Make sure you have noted down the truck number also.
  • Reveal everything to cops. Don’t hide anything or don’t create any false story. Try to be as objective as possible and never give your opinion regarding the accident. 

Lawyer Will Proceed With the Case

You have done what was in your control. Now, you need to talk to an Atlanta-based lawyer who can help. Usually, it is easier to file a lawsuit against the defendant in small vehicle accident cases. But when it involves a truck, the case becomes complex. 

Only an expert attorney with a proven success record can assist you properly in such a case. Your attorney will raise legal questions and arguments to help you seek suitable compensation. 

Here are pertinent legal angles involving truck accident cases: 

  • The driver violated traffic laws and regulations.
  • The driver was using his mobile at the time of the wreck.
  • Analyzing all injuries and questioning eye-witnesses.
  • Follow all legal steps to go ahead with the case.

In Conclusion

A truck accident attorney should unequivocally argue the case in court to prove that the truck driver was at-fault at the time of the crash. Your attorney will also help you get the claim filed following all the rules regarding the statute of limitations. 

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