What if you used Bitcoin to reduce your international payment costs?

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Bitcoin is often called digital gold with good reason, but we must not forget that it is above all a currency as well as a means of payment. Two in one. In addition, it is a very secure and economical means of payment, especially if you have to pay foreign suppliers. For anyone who wants secure and eavesdropping free transactions, using Bitcoin (as well as other popular cryptocurrencies) is the recommended option. Even if you want to trade cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Bitcoin Profit Pro is the perfect combination.

But why Bitcoin? The following are key points which all refer to the possibility of reducing international payment costs. If you are curious, keep reading until the end.

Costs without common comparison

Bitcoin has a cryptographic security system that allows it to make payments of all sizes and almost free of charge. Currently, it would cost you 50 cents to make a payment of 10,000 dollars or even 500,000 million dollars. No matter the amount, the fees are always the same with Bitcoin. It is the most popular cryptocurrency, which together with Ethereum, dominates the global crypto market. Until this moment!

The fees are not mandatory but they are recommended in order to confirm your transactions more quickly. Concretely, you will need a “wallet” to store your Bitcoins and initiate payments. One thing you should remember is the password and it is highly recommended not to share any information about your account. Treat your Bitcoin wallet as you would your bank account.

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Maximum protection against fraud

All companies that accept credit cards or PayPal sometimes face canceled payments after a sale. This kind of chargeback fraud is an unpleasant experience that you will never encounter with Bitcoin. Payments are absolutely irreversible, so you don’t have to bear the cost of such fraud.

Instant international transfers

As long as you have internet access, you can send Bitcoins from the depths of South America to your country in less than 10 minutes. This technological feat is possible because Bitcoins never leave the blockchain. Transfers are simple writing games that allow you to transfer any amount, anywhere, and without incurring additional costs.

Conversely, banks generally ask you to wait 3 days and pay painful conversion fees when the payment needs to be converted into another currency. Using Bitcoin can get rid of the traditional inefficiencies that you may often encounter in your daily life.


Bitcoin also offers the possibility of making a multi-signature allowing a payment to be made only if a group of people authorizes it. A board of directors can therefore use it to prevent any transaction whose authorization would not have sufficient consensus. It also allows you to know which person authorized which payment.

Transparent accounting

Many organizations are required to generate accounting documents on their activity. Bitcoin offers incomparable transparency since it is possible to check your payments and balances directly and easily on the Bitcoin blockchain.

Non-profit organizations can thus easily make public the donations they receive.

A gain in visibility

Many consumers are looking to spend their Bitcoins. Accepting Bitcoin as payment is a great way to reach new customers and give your business more exposure. Many websites list companies using Bitcoin for free. In turn this situation will drive the need to increase Bitcoin stock and engage in Bitcoin trading transactions which are now supported by various platforms and applications.

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Finally, an essential solution

While the Visa network transfers approximately 30 billion dollars per day and Mastercard 13 billion, it is already the equivalent of 8 billion which transit daily via Bitcoin. Your business has everything to gain by using Bitcoin rather than expensive and slower bank transfers.
