Using Contact Lenses For Beginners

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Using a pair of contact lenses might sound scary and daunting for anyone who has not tried it before. Placing something small and delicate on your eyes seems like something out of a horror movie for some individuals. Sure, it may sound like it, but that does not mean you have to throw the lens aside. You definitely should give those lenses a try. How? We will guide you through it with our notable tips and tricks. In addition, if you plan to get yourself a pair, you can check out some choices. Now, how about we get started? Those lenses aren’t going to place themselves.

Our Lens Beginner Tips

  • Don’t forget how to breathe

Like any first-time activity, wearing contact lenses might make you tense and nervous. Placing one on your eye might even cause you to hold your breath. But the thing is that you have to relax and don’t forget how to breathe. You can touch your eye with your fingers as long as they are clean enough. You can move around the lenses with a finger all you want. Not only that, but your eyelids connect directly to the back of your eye. That means no matter what you do with the lenses they will not slip and go somewhere else.

  • Cleanliness is wealth

The first rule of wearing contact lenses is that you should keep your hands and fingers clean. They should be so before and after you wear your pair. Clean fingers mean you do not have to worry about getting dirt and other debris on your eye and the lens. The following rule is that you have to keep the contact lenses clean no matter what. There are two ways for you to keep them clean:

  1. Contact solution

A contact solution allows you to disinfect and hydrate your contact lens. It would be best that you keep your contacts in this solution when you are not wearing them.

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     2. Saline solution

This solution utilizes salt. The salt will eliminate any buildup present on the lenses. You should not keep your lens in this solution unlike with the first alternative. 

     3. Always hydrate

Another notable point in wearing contact lenses is that you need to hydrate them as much as you can. The moist lens will feel comfortable on your eyes, and you will not have issues with them. A lens without proper hydration will cause irritation and other possible eye matters.

  • Follow wearing schedules

You do not have to wear your contact lens all the time. It is also not a neat idea to keep them on as you get some shut-eye. Doing will cause some function issues with the lens. What you can do is follow your prescribed wearing schedule.

You can still use contact lenses even as you sleep. But make sure that you have continuous wear variations. These variations of lenses do exist, and you can ask your doctor all about them.

  • Follow doctor recommendations

No matter what you do, you have to follow all of your doctor’s recommendations. It would be best that you ask your optometrist before wearing any lens at all. They will let you know what kind of contacts you will need. They can also suggest what solution will work best for your pair.

What About Issues?

Like most things, contact lenses are not perfect. They can wear down and might cause issues for your eyes. You can detect them easily. How? You can check yourself out in the mirror with the lens on your eyes. Take note of the following:

  • Blurry vision

You might see things as blurry as you have your lens on overall. That means you might have to clean them once again. What you can do is remove the lens and give them a quick clean. You can wear them back after doing so. It will be best to visit your optometrist once the blur remains there.

  • Irritation

Take off the lens at the first sign of eye irritation. The cause can be either a lack of lens hydration or something in your eye. Not only that, but your lens might not befitting your eyes properly. The last thing could be that something is wrong with your eyes entirely and not the lens.

  • Visible contacts

Take a look at the mirror again. You should see your contacts only when you are that close to the mirror. Better take them off if you can see them from afar. It can also be that they are misaligned. 

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There You Have It

Follow these simple tips to brace yourself as you wear your lens for the first time. You can take it slow and easy as you wear them. Once you do, then the rest will be history. Also, get some professional assistance if you notice any trouble and issues as you fit them onto your eyes.
