
What makes the ergonomic footrest a perfect mate for the standing desk? Let’s analyse

The ergonomic footrest takes the comforts provided by a standing desk to a higher level. The ergonomic footrest is very easy to use. Just put your feet on it for a few minutes. And you can do it whenever you want.

There’s no end when it comes to ergonomic comfort. One way or another, we must continue to improve office ergonomics. Today’s workplace culture and endless competition require it. Now that we work primarily from home (WFH), our bodies and minds need more care than ever. Fortunately, ergonomic products continue to grow and evolve to meet our needs. When it comes to ergonomic furniture, nothing comes close to the standing desk, which has now proven to be the best choice. The standing desks available in the market today are essential for enhancing the body and supporting the back.

Commendably, the standing desks that we use today are electrically height adjustable; they can be programmed to operate at preset heights. This is an unpreceded advantage for all of us, whether we work in a regular office or a home-office. But ironically, prolonged standing at work can negatively impact our feet in the form of tingling, pain, throbbing, and swelling. However, this should not deter us from using a standing desk. Instead, we should buy ourselves ergonomic footrests, and use them alongside our standing desks. 

What is an ergonomic footrest?

The ergonomic footrest is a platform that improves blood circulation and prevents foot fatigue. It can be placed below the standing desk and used intermittently. Well, you just need to place your feet on an ergonomic footrest for a few minutes, and the fatigue will vanish as if it never existed. Great, isn’t it?

What are the advantages of the ergonomic footrest?

Better blood circulation

An ergonomic footrest improves blood circulation by eliminating the blood clots. 

Good posture

This is an interesting point. An ergonomic footrest improves your posture by allowing you to use the standing desk for longer periods. And the more you use a standing desk, the better it is for your posture. Ergonomic furniture makers stress an ergonomic footrest for a reason.

No backpains

How an ergonomic footrest relieves back pains is also linked to its compatibility with the standing desk. When your feet don’t ache, you are likely to work on the standing desk for a longer time. And we all know that a standing desk gives you the lumbar help that you need as a working professional.

Higher comfort

Comfort is a prelude to productivity. Although standing desks provide comfort, the constant force exerted on the feet can reduce productivity. According to experts, ergonomic footrests can increase standing time by 30% or more. So, when we have already decided to use a standing desk, it’s sane to include the ergonomic footrest to make the perfect combo.  

High productivity

Ergonomic footrest keeps workers healthy and productive. An important example of this is that regular use of an ergonomic footrest can reduce medical costs associated with antibiotics. It makes people happier and improves their thinking and self-esteem.

Very affordable

Ergonomic footrests aren’t expensive at all. And now, more than ever before, ergonomic footrests are available at highly affordable prices.

Easy to use

The ergonomic footrest is very easy to use. Just put your feet on it for a few minutes. And you can do it whenever you want.

Easy to carry

The ergonomic footrest is very light and can be easily carried. You can either place it under the standing desk, or any other place. It depends on your choice. If you are relocating your office to new premises, an ergonomic footrest would top the list of ‘easy to carry’ stuff.


Despite their lightweight, ergonomic footrests are very sturdy and durable. They can withstand a lot of weight.


If you want to derive the optimum benefits of a standing desk, then you should pair it with an ergonomic footrest. In the world of ergonomics, you have to keep raising the comfort bar!

alex jack


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