How is QuickBooks Desktop Hosting Beneficial to Growing Businesses in 2022?

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You may be wondering; how will QuickBooks desktop hosting be profitable for your business? Here’s how:

1. Accessibility

QuickBooks desktop hosting allows users to access data on any device, from anywhere with the help of Cloud Desktop as a Service remotely at any time. This means that numerous users can have access to the software at the same time. As a growing business, you require to have access to your QuickBooks 24/7, and this is possible with QuickBooks desktop hosting. QuickBooks desktop hosting helps an unlimited number of users but with user permission control.  

2. QuickBooks desktop features

QuickBooks desktop hosting allows businesses to enjoy all features of the QuickBooks desktop version installed, in addition to the services supplied by the third-party cloud service provider. QuickBooks desktop versions include QuickBooks Pro, enterprise, premier, and POS. The latest features of the QuickBooks desktop 2021 version are given below:

  • Streamlined bank feeds: This feature is available on all desktop versions, and it permits users to automatically categorize bank transactions using advanced tools like batch editing and advanced matching.
  • Automated receipts management: This feature is not available in all QuickBooks desktop versions. It can only be noticed in the pro, premier plus, and enterprise versions. This feature allows users to use the mobile app version to capture receipt data, import, and review it.
  • Automated statements/payment reminders: With this feature, businesses can now send automatic reminders to customers along with links to the online payment portal to aid them to make payments with ease.
  • Payroll liability reminders: With this feature, companies can prepare for upcoming payroll taxes and liability payments.
  • Set up and re-use email templates: To improve communication with clients, the feature allows users to create new or re-use email templates.
  • QuickBooks Tool Hub: This feature allows users to access standard QuickBooks tools in one place. Also, when issues are noticed, you can find help at the Tool Hub.
  • Rule-based customer groups: This feature allows companies to create customer groups based on different fields like location, balance, status, and customer type. Members of this group all obey a set of rules. This feature helps companies to manage their customers efficiently. 
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3. Processing speed

Unlike QuickBooks Online, QuickBooks desktop hosting operates quickly and more accurately. However, this relies on the hosting service providers. If you want to get faster and more accurate accounting solutions, desktop hosting is highly recommended. 

4. Security

One significant advantage of QuickBooks hosting is security. QuickBooks hosting provides the safety of your data as preferred by some of the Best QuickBooks Hosting providers which automatically back up your data to prevent them from missing. Ultimately, the Cloud environment is a secure place for all data.


​Apart from the fact that QuickBooks desktop hosting is cost-effective and safe, it is recommended to growing businesses because it offers quicker and more accurate solutions while allowing them to enjoy all the benefits of traditional QuickBooks desktop in a more convenient environment. Apps4Rent provides services for thousands of clients. They also have expertise in different migration services such as to migrate hosted Exchange to Office 365 etc. We work with businesses from many diverse industries. These organizations range from small to big-sized businesses across the United States. 

