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How to Take Your Text Marketing to the Next Level: 5 Tips for Retailers


Word of mouth is a powerful way for businesses to get their name out there. People trust the opinions of others when it comes to making decisions about what products they want, and what brands they want to support. That’s why word-of-mouth marketing is so important for ecommerce companies. However, word of mouth can be hard to come by if companies don’t employ effective strategies. Here are some tips that will help you take your text marketing to the next level!

Make your text marketing more engaging

People are more likely to engage with text marketing campaigns that are visually appealing. If you want people to become more engaged with your text marketing, consider including pictures or videos. They might not be able to visit your website or texts, but they will like what they see on social media and respond accordingly!

Another tip is to use an effective call-to-action (CTA). A CTA should prompt the user to take action in order to move forward with their decision-making process. For example, if you’re using a text message campaign, include a link where they can click on it in order to learn more about your product. That way, you can direct them towards the next step of their decision-making process. Text message marketing for retail can be done using text message marketing app such as Appointible.

Watch out for copycats

If you’re thinking about starting your own text marketing campaign, one of the first things you should do is watch for those companies that are already doing it. This can be to your advantage if you see another company with a similar text marketing strategy and you want to use the same tactics yourself. In some cases, copying a text marketing campaign can help you get started faster. However, if the copycat is doing something different from what you plan on doing, this might not be a good idea.

Test and track your campaigns

When you’re marketing to your customers, it’s important to remember that not every campaign is going to work. It’s hard for companies to know what will and won’t work without testing the campaigns out. This doesn’t mean that everything needs a test, but it does mean you should test at least one or two campaigns. If the test campaign fails, cut it from your plan and try something new!

Another tip for text marketers is to track their campaigns. You can use programs like Google Analytics to figure out how many people saw your ad and where they came from. This will give you valuable insight into how well your campaigns are performing.

Pick the right send time for your campaign

Your text marketing campaign should be sent at a time when your audience is most likely to be exposed to the content. For instance, sending a text message on a Tuesday evening in an area where you know that people are into fitness might not get them to open the message. Sending it on Monday mornings instead would be more effective.

Encourage social sharing

Providing incentives to social share is one effective way of encouraging word-of-mouth marketing. Social share buttons are a great way to encourage people to spread the word on your products and services. It’s common practice for companies to provide samples, coupons, or discounts in exchange for sharing their content. For example, if you’re selling clothing, you could offer a discount code or coupon when someone likes your post or shares it with their friends.

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