How to Pick the Right Private School For Your Child?

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Many parents across the world are seeking to relocate their children to a more advantageous learning environment. The benefits of attending a private school are great and can include financial aid, better safety/security, less crowded classrooms, and individualized attention for students. However, finding the right school is not an easy task and often costs parents thousands of dollars. Here’s how you can identify the features that will put your child on the path to success!

What is a Private School?

A private school is a type of educational institution that is not publicly funded. This means that the schools are typically for children who have money, or who are able to get special permission from their parents to attend. Private schools differ from public schools in many ways, including the level of tuition and the types of services that they offer. 

When choosing a private school for your child, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, what kind of education do you want for your child? Private high schools in Toowoomba offer a variety of curriculums that can range from pre-school through high school. Private schools usually only offer one type of curriculum, so it is important to decide what you want your child to learn. Second, how much money will you be willing to spend on your child’s education? Private schools can be much more expensive than public schools. Third, do you want your child to be surrounded by fellow students who have similar interests or do you want him or her to have some degree of separation from the other students? A private school may be better for one child and not another.

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How to Choose the Right Private School for Your Child

There are many factors to consider before choosing a private school for your child. Here are some tips to help you choose the best school for your family.

  1. Consider Your Needs

The first step is to assess your specific needs and wants for your child’s education. What type of curriculum do you want? Do you want a traditional or nontraditional program? Are you looking for an academic or athletic-focused school? What size class does your child need? 

  1. Get Feedback from Friends and Family

Talk to friends, family, and other parents who have children in private schools to get their insights. Ask them which schools they think would be a good fit for your child and why. This information will help you narrow down your options as well as identify any potential concerns or issues you should be aware of. 

  1. Consider Location and Facilities

Consider the location of the school as well as its facilities. Is it close to home? Does it have an excellent reputation? Does the school offer special programs or services that are important to you, such as gifted and talented programming, foreign language instruction, or dual enrollment opportunities? 

Types of Private Schools

When it comes to choosing the right private school for your child, there are a few things to keep in mind. Here are four types of private schools and what they offer: 

Types of Private Schools: Classical Schools 

Classical schools are the oldest kind of private school and were originally founded in Europe. They emphasize classical learning methods, such as academics, arts, and athletics. They often have smaller student populations and stricter admissions standards, so they’re best for children who are highly motivated and have strong academic backgrounds.

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Types of Private Schools: Montessori Schools 

Montessori schools were founded in the early 1900s by Dr. Maria Montessori. They emphasize hands-on learning and allow children to explore their interests and creativity. They also have smaller student populations and no admission requirements, so they’re best for children who want an individualized education.

Types of Private Schools: Waldorf Schools 

Waldorf schools were founded in Germany in the late 1800s by Dr. Rudolf Steiner. They believe that humans are spiritual beings and focus on educating children based on their individual needs. The curriculum is based on Steiner’s philosophy, which includes concepts like organic farming, music therapy

Pros and Cons of a Private School

The debate of whether to send your child to a private school or public school has been raging for years. While there are pros and cons to both systems, the deciding factor should be your child’s individual needs and preferences. Here are four tips to help you choose the right private school for your child:

  1. Do Your Research

Before making any decisions about which private school is right for your child, it is important to do your research. Talk to friends, family, and other parents who have children in the same age range as yours. Ask them about their experiences at the school and what they like and don’t like about it. It is also important to consider how much money you want to spend on tuition each year. Private schools can range in price from $8,000 to $35,000 per year.

  1. Consider Your Child’s Personality and Interests

One of the most important factors that you should consider when choosing a private school for your child is their personality and interests. Some kids are naturally better suited for a private setting while others might feel more comfortable in a public school with larger classes. Also, consider what types of subjects your child is interested in learning in.

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Who Should Attend a Private School?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best private school for each child depends on a variety of factors, including the child’s age, academic interests, and hometown. However, here are some general tips that parents can use to help them find the right private school for their children.

First, it’s important to consider your child’s age and grade level. If your child is younger than elementary school age, she may not be ready for a more structured environment. On the other hand, older elementary school students may be ready for a more challenging curriculum. It’s also important to remember that private schools typically have smaller enrollments than public schools, so a student who is struggling in a public school may do better in a smaller setting with fewer peers.

Second, think about your child’s academic interests and talents. Private schools often have more specialized curriculums than public schools. For example, if your child is interested in math or science, she may benefit from attending a private school that offers those subjects as part of the regular curriculum. 


There are a number of resources to help parents pick the right private school for their children. The Institute for Private Education (IPE) has compiled a list of questions to ask when researching schools, as well as a search tool. 

