Home Health How much does children’s braces cost in Pakistan?

How much does children’s braces cost in Pakistan?


Growing up, the child will have to follow a certain orthodontic course to guarantee him a good dentition. Indeed, dental problems appear from an early age. It is possible that, from adolescence, the child needs a children’s dental appliance to guarantee him an aligned dentition. But now, corrective devices have a cost. When teething problems arise, it’s time for parents to educate themselves on the cost and effectiveness of dental appliances. In this article, we will explain to you why providing dental correction care to your child and at what braces cost in Pakistan!

Why equip your child with braces?

As all children are different, so will the treatment. Indeed, it is not systematic to equip your little one with expensive and painful dental appliances. Sometimes the teeth come in naturally over time. For others, treatment will only be necessary once all the permanent teeth have come out. Finally, for a third category of child, treatment before the appearance of permanent teeth will be essential.

If orthodontic treatment is effective in children, it is above all thanks to the specificities of their jaw. Indeed, in small children, the jaw bone is still flexible and malleable and offers the tooth a greater ease of straightening. The dental arch can also be widened with a false palate. Finally, it can sometimes be unavoidable to extract the baby teeth to place an appliance.

When the permanent teeth are out, and to obtain a perfect alignment, a device with metal rings is then installed. These dental devices have a non-negligible cost

How much does a children’s brace cost in Pakistan on average?

The price of dental appliances and related orthodontic treatment is often very high. Indeed, the installation of a brace will lead to many visits to the dentist. These visits will be centered around the adjustment of the device and the follow-up of the evolution of the dental straightening. The final braces cost in Pakistan does not depend on the age of the patient, but above all on the complexity of the dental appliances and the nature of the care to be provided to the child.

The final price is therefore based on the final configuration of the child’s teeth. The more work to be done, the higher the total cost of the estimate will be. Generally, it is necessary to count between 100000 and 250000 Rupees. The price may be higher if you want a discreet device for the child. To this price, it will be necessary to add the preliminary examinations which will allow the practitioner to decide on the most suitable treatment. A large sum which can in part be covered by Social Security aid. You can also supplement this aid through appropriate mutual insurance.

How are refunds distributed?

Child orthodontic costs can be covered in two ways. You will be eligible for a refund of:

– Social Security
– Your mutual if it covers your child.

The sickness benefit reimburses part of the orthodontic costs for children under 16 years of age. However, this support can only be received over 6 semesters. Additionally, you will need to re-apply for an exemption agreement every 6 months. If treatment begins before the child turns 16, reimbursement will continue even if treatment exceeds the reimbursement age limit.

How will the health insurance fund help?

But even if Social Security covers the processing costs up to 50000 Rupees per semester, this is far from sufficient. Indeed, as we have seen previously, the overall cost of care is often much higher. In this case, it is strongly advised to take out mutual insurance. Complementary support for child orthodontics is mandatory if you wish to be financially assisted.

An orthodontic treatment braces cost in Pakistan on average 150000 Rupees per semester. Under these conditions, and with a low exemption from Social Security, it is important to subscribe to a solid complementary insurance. This is why it will be necessary to opt for high reimbursement rates. Indeed, mutualists advise subscribing to orthodontic health formulas with guarantees greater than 200 or 300% of the basic social security rate.

If dental appliances for children are often expensive, many aids can be provided to you. As for adult orthodontics, the management of the sickness benefit and the mutual will be present to allow you to ensure the cost of dental care for children. Do not hesitate to ask for several quotes from different dentists to be able to make a comparison and choose the least expensive practitioner. The braces cost in Pakistan for your child will then be more affordable.

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