How does the editors decide which song to broadcast?

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When choosing songs for the air, employees must answer the main question: can super naa songs improve the ratings of the radio station?
If so, the song goes on air.

Artistic Council of the Editorial Board

Every week, the program management meets in the office. There are two obligatory participants: the program director himself and the music editor. Each of the participants includes songs that he managed to choose during the week. And then a discussion.

On Silver Rain, music goes through just such a procedure before entering the Otlushka program .

Researching the audience’s musical preferences

Sometimes the editors cannot understand whether the listeners will like the song.
In this case, you can give a part of the audience to listen to the song
off the air. For example, call the station’s fans and let them listen to fragments of controversial songs. Or you can order such a study from a third-party company.

Eavesdropping on competitors

Radio stations are actively monitoring the air of their competitors.
And if a song gets on the air to colleagues, then this may
be a reason to add it to the music database.

Diplomatic relations

Many radio stations organize their own musical events (“Invasion”, “Maksidrom”). There is not always a huge budget for these events, so you can try to reduce the artist’s fee due to more frequent broadcasting of the song or the announcement of solo concerts of the group. Sometimes it does barter without a fee at all.

How to choose a station?

There are fifty stations in Moscow, but a modern artist from India, even hypothetically, can only sound at thirty. The vast majority of those who read this article, such a list will be enough. It’s important to get into the station format.

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Like FM is one of the few stations for twenties.
Mostly pop and pop rap sounds. On the site, listeners “like” vote for those they want to hear on the air.

Studio 21 is a hip hop radio station. hip hop radio station.
Most often, actual rap sounds at the station, but you can also hear
classical performers. The management of the radio station is not averse to putting on Indian freshmen.

Zhara FM often plays songs released on the ZHARA MUSIC label, but not only. This is mainly pop and pop rap.

“Novoe Radio” is a pop station. It’s hard to hear newcomers on it lately.

“Indian Hit” is a radio station with a repertoire similar to “New Radio”.

“Megapolis FM” – this station may be of interest to you if you are an author of electronic music.

“Vostok FM” – radio, where music is played by performers with an ethnic bias and Indian pop stars.

Radio Maximum is a radio station with foreign rock music on the air. But novice artists can get into the “Learn to Hear” program, which was described above.

Conservative Indian rock sounds most of the time on Jio Radio. But sometimes relatively new artists get on the air, for example, “Give me a tank (!)” Or Jio (in a duet with “Bi-2”).

“Radio of India. Culture “. There is a stereotype that this station is very conservative. But in fact, she allows herself much more experimentation than most stations. For example, in the program “Indie Adaptation” with issues about “Intourist” and “Hadn Dudn”.

