Can an average student crack the SSC CHSL exam?

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As an average student, are you also thinking that clearing SSC CHSL is tough, and will you be able to clear it or not? Don’t worry; you will be able to do it easily with the help of BYJU’s Exam Prep, as they have recently launched a Civil services hub to help you with all sorts of exam preparations.

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) enables the class 12 pass students to apply for SSC CHSL exam. The exam is executed in 3-tiers, and each of the exams tests a particular area of learning and skill set of the prospect.

Tips to Crack SSC CHSL Exam 

Here are some of the tips for an average student to crack the SSC CHSL exam. 

1) The exam comprises 100 multiple choice questions, and you will just get 60 minutes to solve them. Therefore, if calculated, the average time for solving one question is around 36 seconds.Make sure that you know the SSC CHSL Syllabus for all the subjects. 

Furthermore, they also have a negative marking of .5 marks per question. So, it would be best if you had both speed and accuracy.

 2) CHSL is an entirely computer-based test; still, it is advisable to go through its exam pattern and syllabus before starting the preparation. The exam comprises four divisions: General Intelligence, English, Quantitative Aptitude, and General Awareness. Every section has 25 questions, and each question is of 50 marks.

3) Every year, they have a different cut-off for the unreserved category. Hence, after looking at the trend for the last couple of years, you should target to get more than 160 marks in tier 1.

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4) The next thing to keep in mind is that you should have a good understanding of the theoretical studies on the syllabus of the CHSL exam. You can do it quickly with the help of BYJU’s Exam Prep, as they have the complete exercises as per the syllabus, which makes learning trouble-free.

5) As an average student, you need to practice more and more MCQs of every topic. In fact, it will help if you solve the last 2-3 years’ question paper.

6) If you are unsure about the answer, do not attempt. If you make wild guesses, it will lead to -.05 marks. Therefore, answer only if you are sure; it can lead to a lesser score because of the negative marking.

7) A good habit to best a bright student is reading a newspaper. The more you read, the more you will stay updated about the current matters. In fact, in today’s time, everything is so easy because of the internet; therefore, all you need to do is download any newspaper app and read the news whenever you have time.

8) If you are not good at English, don’t’ worry, as you can still crack the exam. All you need to do is learn the synonyms, antonyms, idioms and phrases, grammar rules, etc. Try to read, write, speak, and watch the shows in English; this will help improve your hold over the language.

 If you use these tips and follow the SSC CHSL syllabus, no one can stop you from passing the exam and becoming a government employee.

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 Is the SSC CHSL exam very difficult?

The answer to this question is both yes and no. The reason why people consider it as tough is because of its syllabus. As the role of the CHSL is not limited to a specific field, they have various subjects in the syllabus.

 It has various subjects to study, which means that it will need more determination and study for a longer duration.

You should not be concerned about the SSC CHSL exam syllabus as you have Byju’s Exam Prep with you. 

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