A List Of Lemon Law Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Lawsuit

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One of the most irritating things in life is to deal with a brand new car that later turns out to be a faulty vehicle. You paid the premium price for the car; therefore, you expect it to perform like one, but when the car starts acting like a second-hand car, things can turn out to be sour. 

The irritation of dealing with a faulty car keeps leveling up when you have to visit the repair shop multiple times, and the issue remains. Also, the dealership denying the payment for repair and the mechanics not being able to find the real issue can always add fuel to the fire.

But all this frustration doesn’t mean that you don’t have an option, as lemon law is there to control dealerships from selling faulty cars with the tag of a brand new car to unsuspected customers. 

By the look of things, lemon law might look easy, but in actuality, many things need to be taken care of while pursuing a lemon law case; therefore, in this blog post, we will discuss what can ruin your lemon law case. 

Not obtaining written service reports. 

Throughout the lawsuit, many pieces of evidence will be presented in court, but the one piece that can make or break the case is the service report. There are many important details in the service report like the specific dates when the car was in and out of service, the mileage of the car, the number of repair attempts and their nature, and even the logs of customer complaints. 

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There are many instances when the customer takes the vehicle to the shop with a complaint, and the mechanic goes through the car while the customer waits outside. But if the mechanics fail to find any issue and return the vehicle, they may not provide you with a service report. 

You should never leave the shop without a service report, as the Kia lemon lawyer can use this to steer the case in your favor.

Never be specific about the location of the problem. 

Even if the noise comes from the engine or front tire, you should never specify the location while discussing the problem with the mechanic. Always tell the repair shop that the noise is coming from the front of the car. If you tell them the noise is coming from the tire and later the mechanic finds out it is coming from the engine, you have two problems. 

According to the lemon law of many states, for a car to qualify as a lemon, it needs to be repaired for the same problem at least three times. So, if you keep the problem general, it can always help you in the long run. 

Accepting a low-ball offer to stay away from the hassle

Since manufacturers deal with lemon law cases daily and always have a team of lemon law experts ready, it is common for manufacturers to succumb the costumes into low-ball offers. 

You will be surprised to know that in many lemon law cases, the original payout for the vehicle was around $6,500, but the customer got a compensation of only $500. This is why it is always suggested to take help from a Kia lemon lawyer.

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Never be surprised if the manufacturer tries to bring down the settlement money below your expectation, and never try to deal with the lemon law alone. 

Not working with an attorney.

The one thing that many people are afraid of while hiring a  Kia lemon lawyer is the price. However, if you prevail in a lemon law case, it becomes the responsibility of the manufacturer to pay for the attorney hired by you. 

Working with a specialized attorney means that you pursue the lemon law case with higher chances of success; therefore, you should spend some time scouring the internet to find the best lemon law attorney. 

If you wish to make sure that you win the lemon law case, you must work with an attorney, but there is nothing wrong with understanding the basics of lemon law and getting familiar with the mistakes you must avoid.

