
Qualities of professional Manager and decision making


In order to be an effective manager, you need to be able to lead your employees in an efficient manner. A lot of responsibility comes with being a manager, and being able to lead a team is required counterfeit id.


If you don’t have experience working in a professional environment and leading a team, it will be hard to step up as a manager. A great way to gain experience in a management role is to volunteer, either within your field or with a nonprofit. Ask to help manage and produce events, whether it’s raising money for an organization or organizing an event.


Being able to communicate with your team is required when being an effective manager. This not only means communicating job responsibilities and expectations, it means listening to your team and working with them to produce results within their position fake id idtop.


Experience as a manager is a must but so is knowledge. There are many different degrees offered for managers, including a bachelor’s degree in business or a master’s degree in leadership or project management. You can also get a certificate in project management, entrepreneurship, ethics, or human resource management.


If you aren’t organized in your position, there’s a good chance that the employees you manage won’t be either. There are many resources online that can inspire you to get organized. You can also buy a personal planner or download an app on your phone that can remind you of meetings, tasks you need to complete every day, etc

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Time Management:

Another key factor in being a successful manager is time management. If you’re late every day, your employees might think it’s acceptable to also be late. Time management is also important when it comes to prioritizing your day, making sure you have time to communicate with your employees, and accomplishing goals throughout the week.


A manager that is leading a team has to be reliable. This means being available for your employees, getting things done that you said you would, and supporting your team however needed.


If you don’t know how to delegate projects and tasks, your role as a manager will be a lot more difficult. Don’t be afraid to ask your employees to help complete a task. You might think it’s easier to do everything yourself, but this will add more time to your already busy schedule, and you won’t be allowing your employees to do what they were hired to do.


To be an effective manager, you need to be confident in your abilities, experience, and decisions. This doesn’t mean you have to be arrogant or feel that you’re better than your employees. But you’re in a management role for a reason, so be proud and be an inspiration to your team.

Respect for Employees:

If you don’t respect your employees, there will definitely be tension in your workplace. Be cognizant of their time and abilities, be able to listen and communicate with them, and be a resource of knowledge and guidance.

Decision making errors:

  • Overconfidence Bias (We think we know more than we actually do).
  • Anchoring Bias (Tendency to fixate on the first piece of information we receive).
  • Confirmation Bias (Selectively gathering information that supports our existing views).
  • Availability Bias (Basing judgments on information that is readily available).
  • Representative Bias (Assessing the likelihood of an occurrence by matching it with a preexisting category).
  • Escalation of Commitment (Staying with a decision despite clear evidence that it is wrong).

Information overload:

 Having a lot of information is often viewed as beneficial, but if that information is not collated properly or only available via a multitude of methods, processing it all can become overwhelming. You should be accustomed to accessing the kind of user-friendly data that is key to your decision-making options, or you might feel misguided and confused.

Not having enough information:

 Of course extremes are never good not having enough information to support your decision is not good either; and you should definitely be up to speed with all the relevant information in order to come up with the best solution for any issue.

Misidentifying the problem:

 In many cases, the issues surrounding your decision will be obvious. However, there will be times when the decision is complex and you aren’t sure where the main issue lies, as the actual cause may be elusive. Being able to conduct thorough research, receive useful data and speak with internal experts could be ways to mitigate this situation.


 Stress, time constraints or any other circumstance such as the pressure to decide upon a course of action can compromise the desired results if decisions are taken too quickly. You might inadvertently skip important data or forget about the impact of some action or other on the team.


  • Focus on goals.
  • Look for information that dis-confirms your beliefs.
  • Don’t try to create meaning out of random events.
  • Increase your options.
  • Rewarding the people who challenge your decisions.
  • Selection of strong team members.
  • Group debates
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