
How to Create Your Own Product Package Design

Since the rise of COVID-19, many people have considered running an online shop from home. As countries rushed to lockdown, many people used this business method as a form of supplemental income. Some even made it their full-time job!

Several things factor into making an online business successful. But, one thing that many new e-Commerce companies overlook is their package design.

Product packaging may not seem very important to you. However, your packaging design is an opportunity to reinforce your branding and stand out from competitors.

So, how do you create the best package design? If that’s what you’re wondering, keep reading! We’ll give some tips for this in the guide below.

Setting Goals for Your Package Design

Before you start crafting a package design, consider its purpose. Every design should meet a prescribed goal, such as promoting your brand.

One package design choice is to include your standard logo on the package. Secondly, you can include the product name and description with the logo on the package’s front side.

Including your company’s name, product name, and logo is an excellent thing to remember. But, also keep your target audience in mind. What kind of package would they find appealing?

Once you’ve figured out your goals, you can move on to the design process. We’ll discuss this further in the next section.

Choose the Best Package Design Programs

The next stage is to decide on a package design program. Generally, you’ll send a 2D artwork to your packaging manufacturer in vector formats. Manufacturers can then scale these designs into pre-made templates or original ones.

Alternatively, you may decide you’d like to visualize your design as a 3D product. This strategy is often more complex since most design programs specialize in 2D designs.

Fortunately, some plugins and programs can create a 3D design. Sometimes, you can find plugins for popular programs like Adobe Illustrator that allow you to design 3D images. Look here for more programs you can use for your design!

Create a Dieline

Once you choose a design program, open a new file and create a dieline. The dieline is a flat template for your package.

This template should identify where the packaging template will be cut. From there, the package should identify where the machine should perforate the design for easy folding.

You may find it helpful to rename your dieline layers as “DO NOT PRINT.” This way, the manufacturer knows that these layers should assist with post-print processing.

It’s often challenging to create a dieline from scratch. If you’re a beginner, we suggest using a pre-made template for this stage of the design.

Finally, input the relevant images and text on the package design. This way, the style can meet your brand requirements.

Begin Improving Your Package Design Today

Following these package design tips can help you create the best packaging for your brand. So, don’t hesitate! Start making your ideal package today.

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