Four Simple Steps to Become an Electrician

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Figuring out what you want to do for a career can be a hard decision to make. It takes a lot of thought and consideration to find what you would enjoy but would also sustain the lifestyle that you want to have. For many, this means going to college and getting a bachelor’s. They may even continue on to get their masters. But this is not the way for everyone, for some schools is not what suits them best. A trade is a great alternative to going the traditional route of schooling. There are a few steps to becoming a Boise electrician if schooling doesn’t seem to be the best choice for you. 

Research the Trade

Before making a final decision about becoming an electrician it is important that you know what that entails. Find out the kind of things that you will have to learn and the type of work that you will be doing. It would be a good idea to follow another electrician for a day to know see what kind of days you would be having. It is a job that is a little more labor-intensive compared to the average desk job. That is something that you would want to be sure you would be okay with in the long run. 

Basic Qualifications

In order to even be considered to become an electrician, you need to be over the age of 18 and have a high school diploma or GED. You also want to ensure that you are in good physical condition to be able to do the manual labor that comes with the job. Working well with others and listening to directions is another key part of being an electrician as you can seriously harm yourself or others if you are not careful. 

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Becoming an Electrician

In Idaho state, you have 2 options in order to become eligible for the journeyman electrician exam. You can get 6,000 hours of experience in commercial, residential, or industrial working for a licensed electrician. But your hours cannot all be within one category, it cannot be over 75% within one category. This way you get some experience and training in different kinds of jobs and scenarios. You can also apply for a 4-year apprenticeship that is more formal but will get you your 6,000 hours. Both get you to the position of being able to take your exam. 

Getting your License 

Once you have completed your hours you will be able to take the journeymen electrician exam in which you will need to get a 70% or higher to pass. When you pass you will be a licensed journeyman but it will be up to you to keep up your license every 3 years and do the required continuing education hours. 

Is Being an Electrician Right for You?

If school is not something that interests you becoming an electrician may be right for you. Trade work is a great career choice if you like to work with your hands and don’t want to sit behind a desk all day. Working toward your license while working for an electrician can be convenient because you are getting paid while you getting your hours to become a licensed electrician. There is a job out there for everyone and becoming an electrician can be a great choice. 
